Skippertak, eg hatar deg!
Har du noken gang tenkt at no er eg endelig i så god form at eg ikkje skal la det forfalle? Det er jo mykje lettare å holde på en god form enn å starte fra begynnelsen? Skippertak er noko drit. (meir…)
Har du noken gang tenkt at no er eg endelig i så god form at eg ikkje skal la det forfalle? Det er jo mykje lettare å holde på en god form enn å starte fra begynnelsen? Skippertak er noko drit. (meir…)
What a day yesterday, how will my mother react today? I’m hoping that she’s got full batteries and that she’s prepared to cycle 75Km and to cross the boarder to Bulgaria. I’m ready! (meir…)
Waking up here in Edirne after two amazing restitution days. We’ve spent them just as you should. We’re trying to motivate us for the longest distance for my mother. Our goal is 100Km to Kirklareli. (meir…)
We’re ready for some boarder crossings again. Imagine that, I’ll cycle into country nr 19 and 20 out of 20 of my trip today. The only thing remaining after todays ride is some kilometers in Turkey and Bulgaria. We are ready for some restitution days in Edirne. (meir…)
We’re ready for a night at a vineyard. Imagine that, we’re gonna sleep there and drink their homemade wine. I’m so excited. What If I’ll be disappointed, what if this is just a….Nothing? It’s about time to start cycling from this small town we are situated in now, in the middle of nowhere. Or in other words, situated in a beautiful small hotel in the middle of containers, trash, buildings almost falling a part and fields filled with garbage (meir…)