Cycling towards Ustronie Morskie and Kolberg, ready for some restitution on the beach!
We had a nice evening in Darlowo, which is a nice and small town. Today we’re heading towards Ustronie Morskie. (meir…)
We had a nice evening in Darlowo, which is a nice and small town. Today we’re heading towards Ustronie Morskie. (meir…)
We decided to have a day off in Wladyslawowo. We were relaxing at the beautiful camp site and on the beach…Perfect! Tomorrow we’ll head for a tourist magnet called Leba!
We are ready for a day on the bike, Lillian’s first day. The plan today is to get out of Gdansk, take the boat from Sopot to Hel and then cycle about 65-70Km in total. (meir…)
I just looked at the calendar and realised that it’s only 30 days until my flight to Kirkenes. I’m about to live out my dream, cycling through 20 countries and close to 10 000km along «The Iron Curtain» in a period of 4 months.
Am I ready? (meir…)