by Stian Torland | aug 21, 2014 |, The Iron Curtain Trail, Trening
It’s time for my last day in Germany, my first in Austria and then a new visit in Czech Republic. I’m ready for a new day on the road and are prepared for some more climbing. (meir…)
by Stian Torland | aug 19, 2014 |, The Iron Curtain Trail, Trening
What a morning to wake up to here at Hotel Gasthof Zum Bach. I’m fully rested, even if I had a long and hard day yesterday. I’ve had a good night sleep and are motivated for a new day in the mountains. (meir…)
by Stian Torland | aug 19, 2014 |, The Iron Curtain Trail, Trening
I’ve heard rumors that the weather will be better today. I must say that it was a hit in the face when I looked out at the wet roads in the morning. I’ve already booked my stay for tonight, It will be in Neukirchen beim Heiligen Blut, 120Km and 2000 climb meters away from here. Am I ready? Time will tell! (meir…)
by Stian Torland | aug 17, 2014 |, The Iron Curtain Trail, Trening
I’ve had a bad night sleep here at the hotel in Aš, I’m not sure if it is the hard mattress or what it is. I can’t say that I’m 100% ready for a new day on the bike. The weather outside is bad and some of my clothes are still wet after yesterdays heavy rain showers. (meir…)
by Stian Torland | aug 16, 2014 |, The Iron Curtain Trail, Trening
First thought going through my head this morning when I woke up is that I really would like to stay for a day, I’m not ready for a new day in the rain….BUT!!!! (meir…)