I’m prepared for many hours on the bicycle, but I still have a good feeling about this day. 130Km is waiting for me towards Tallinn. The people running the campsite have been really friendly and helpful, so I can really recommend this place.20140628_141708

The music angel is on full volume while I’m cycling 1 Km in to Vosu. I’m buying today’s food and drinks. I’m really late today. Finally I’m on the road. It’s flat as always in Estonia.

My legs feel great and I’m sure that this is going to be a good day. I know that the shortest way to Tallinn is 77Km, but I’m going to follow the route, which means that I will get to about 130Km instead.

I’m cycling almost alone, there’s a few people coming towards me, but other than that and a few cars, I’m alone. The nature is beautiful, the beaches, the view over the Gulf of Finland and of course the nice smell coming from the sea.

There’s not many shops, cafe’s or any place to buy food or refreshments, so I’m glad that I bought more than enough. I’ve been on smaller roads all day, so no need to worry about the traffic.

20140628_143855At one point I can see that there is a cyclist coming on a road bike (racing), he’s coming behind me and he’s not passing, he stays at my wheel taking advantage of me doing the work. This must mean that I keep a good speed. He stays there for 1-1.5Km before he comes up to talk to me.

He tells me that he’s taking the small roads to Tallinn, so I can follow him if I want to. I tell him to go on, I’m not able to follow him when I’m on a bike like this with a 35Kg trailer.

The guy and the bike speeds up. I’m quickly thinking that I should try to hold his wheel for as long as I can manage. I’m staying 10-15cm from his wheel, it’s hard, but I’m getting the advantage of him taking the wind. We hold a speed around 35Km/t, can’t complain.

20140628_160305I follow him for quite a while. I’ve been a bit low on energy and haven’t eaten more than some cookies, since I’m so close to the city. I must make sure that I’m not getting empty.

I cycle up on his side, which is a hard job, but I manage. I tell him, «thank’s for the ride, I need to drop the tempo a bit now. Have a nice ride!». I must admit that I’m quite happy about being able to hold that speed for about 10Km.

I’m quite close to Tallinn now. Still cycling on the smaller roads. It’s easy to see that I’m on the Baltic cycle route, there is many cyclists, both training and just enjoying.

Since I’ve already booked a hostel, I just plot in the address on my GPS. It’s easy to follow the cycle roads to the Hostel, which is on 20140628_174802the side of the bus station. Perfect, since Aina and Tom will come visit me on Monday. I’m prepared for two days of rest in Tallinn now.

This evening I met Kjetil Berge and his girlfriend Tiina. We had a nice evening out in the beautiful old town. I quickly decided that this is where I want to bring Tom and Aina when they arrive on monday evening.

I’m really looking forward to get some visit on the bicycle. It’s gonna be like a dream for me! Thank you for coming Aina and Tom, don’t think you know how much I appreciate this!

Pictures from today’s trip:

GPS Data from today’s trip:
