I’m waking up here in Bezdan after a good but hard day yesterday. I’m ready to cycle another long day, and have prepared myself to enter Serbia again, which means that I have 150Km to cycle.
There is no breakfast here included here. I’ve seen that there is a local shop 50 meters further down the street, I decide to stop there to fill up my bag and to get something to eat.
I arrive the boarder to Hungary after just 10Km. There’s of course a new boarder control. The officer from Serbia is smiling and are commenting with a few words like «all the way from Norway with bike?». He smiles and wishes me a good trip. The hungarian officer is totally opposite. He asks me to open my bag and asks me where I’m going, when he got my reply he just nodded and said «ok».
I’ve got a good feeling today. I’m on the road early and feel great. My legs are strong and I believe I will be in Kanjiza quite some time before the sunset.
The road is quite flat, but there will be a tiny bit with uphill until 90Km, then it will be the opposite. It’s basically flat, so you won’t feel any difference. You would have to pedal all the distance anyway.
I’m stopping at a small place called Gara. I need some food to keep my energy up. They don’t have much, but everything helps. There are some people there that are asking a few questions about the trip. I believe they are using all the english words they know, or at least it seems like it.
It didn’t help much with the food they had here, but I’ll manage for a while. I’m continuing further. The surroundings are pretty much the same as the last days, a lot of fields and farmers.
It’s time for breakfast again in Bacsalmas. I’ve cycled 65Km and it’s still quite early. I order myself an omelette and some bread, amazing!
The roads today are quite good as well. It seems like I’ll follow normal roads now. I can’t stop thinking about the horrible roads in the middle of forrest in Germany. I still can’t understand why they would expect people following the route to cycle on a road where it’s basically not possible to cycle with a normal bike. What I understand is that they want to show us the boarder, but there were many places where this is possible.
Anyway, I’m happy that the roads are getting better, at least they are paved most of the time. When you combine this with a great day on the bike, it’s perfect. My legs are still feeling great and the weather is even better!
I cycle through Asotthalom and have decided to cross the boarder here. I received an e-mail from my german friends, Mary and Pit, which are cycling the same route a few days ahead of me. They informed me that if you cross the boarder close to Horgos, you would have to cycle 6Km on the highway. I’m not very interested in that, so I did some research and found this place. I’ll stay on the small roads all the time.
The boarder control here was just a positive experience. A new stamp in the passport, but also such friendly officers. First the grumpy hungarian, then the really friendly and positive serbian officer. She asked about the trip and were smiling a lot. The guy sitting next to her gave me the thumbs up when they wished me a good and safe trip to Bulgaria.
I’m cycling further on through Horgos and to Kanjiza. Both seems like two small places. Kanjiza is known to be a spa area.
I’ve arrived at my hotel for tonight and really hoped to get a bath in a hot tub. When I found out that this costs extra money I just said no thanks.
The rest of the evening after a fantastisc meal is spent on a skype date with my girlfriend while enjoying a couple of glasses of wine!
Picture album from todays ride:
GPS Data from todays ride: