We woke up in Zlatograd around 9:10. The alarm didn’t go off and we were a bit shocked since we planned to wake up earlier. Our plan today is to cycle about 90Km and are prepared for that. Sun is shining and life is good, what a morning!

IMG_3720It’s time for breakfast. We order omelette and a coffee each. I’m not gonna repeat myself when it comes to describing the breakfasts we are getting, but it happens that we need to order double portions and 100 coffees.

Bag is packed, blog is posted and we are ready to fill up our bag with groceries and to start cycling from Zlatograd towards Krumovgrad.

I can see that my mom isn’t that nervous anymore, she’s following me in the traffic and takes her own decisions based on her own safety in the traffic, which is good.

It’s her second day on the bike. It’s easy to see that she’s done preparations. She’s strong and are fully motivated. She tells me that she’s ready for a long day on the bike.

IMG_3709We are cycling down a valley and are following the river Varbitza. It’s not much water, but it’s always nice when you can see that the river is going in the same directions as you. The road takes us through several small villages, such as Dobromirtsi and others. It’s been a lot of smiles to see on peoples faces today. They are giving us the thumbs up and are saying hello to us when we’re passing them. The traffic have been nice to us, but not to them self. We can see several dangerous actions in the traffic, we’re just waiting for the collision.

We’ve decided to take our time while cycling. It’s important to stop to eat some bananas, stop to take some pictures and just to enjoy the moment. We stop at a field along the road. The cows are free, there’s no fence, no nothing. We’re just sitting here and watching the nature and enjoing our life.

IMG_3722The road is going up and down today. Some places we’re just taking off the helmet and are climbing for 30-40 minutes. Slowly but steady getting closer to the top.

You can see a lot of garbage along the roads, even when you cycle into the smaller villages. I asked my mother what her impression of a place called Dzhebel. She replied «dirty». You could see garbage in the streets and along the road. It’s been like this many places, but I have to say that it’s not all over.

We’re arriving at a restaurant called Complex Makaza, which is just outside Momchilgrad. We’ve had food in our mind for the last 15km and are ready to stop here.

We have cycled 55Km and are playing with the thought of stopping here for the night. The complex looks really nice and we get a good feeling about the food and the whole area. Beautiful, relaxing, quiet and in other words, perfect for us.

We decide to stay here for the night. We cancel our reservation in Krumovgrad and book a room here. The weather is beautiful and we’ve had a great day on the bike. It’s been warm in the climbs, but nothing to complain about….PERFECT!

Mammas litla hjørna!

IMG_3731Nå i skrivende stund sitte eg ute med musikk på øyrene og speler Vamp der me i natt skal Campe, fantastisk temperatur og nydelig område. 🙂

Tanken i dag va ca 9 mil, men det er godt å ver litt impulsiv og. Me har sykla i steikende sol og masse oppover bakker. Da 5,5 mil va unnagjort fant me ein restaurant der me måtte ha oss litt mat, men dette viste seg å vær eit Hotell. Det va ikkje så veldig vanskelig å avbestille det Hotellet me hadde bestilt og me fekk oss eit flott rom her 🙂 I dag må eg sei at her føler eg ein form for litt luksus, men kin har sagt at det ikkje er lov :))))

Turen i dag har gått veldig fint. Det var til tider ganske tunge bakkar, men eg synest det er godt å slite og virkelig kjenne at det er tak i denna 50 års gamle kroppen 😛 Veiene har vert variable, ein må følge godt med. Det er ein del 20140919_170407hull og sprikker i veibanen som kan vere ganske skummelt om ein ikkje er obs. Ein gong følte eg at eg mista kontroll på sykkel og henger, men heldigvis så gjekk det bra 🙂 Til no så har eg kun fått eit blåmerke på kne, det skjedde etter at eg nesten falt i går da kjea mi tulla seg litt, men den har Stian fiksa og alt har gått fint i dag :)) Midt på dagen i dag stoppa me for å ta litt bilder og for å få i oss litt energi. Den følelsen av å sitte på et berg midt utpå eit beite med kyr på alle kanter og nyte utsikten, bare preike om alt og ingenting, FANTASTISK !

Eg føler meg utrulig heldig som får lov til å oppleve dette, tenk å være så helsig og frisk at ein kan ta del i eit så fantastisk eventyr midt i ein travel kvardag. Så tusen takk Sissel som tar deg av Cafeen og takk Magnar at du våger å sleppe meg ut i den store vide verden, eg føler meg høg på livet nett no 🙂 Men respekten for ka Stian har gjort kvar f…..dag i fire mnd er ikkje blitt mindre, eg er meget imponert og stolt av Stian!!! Og det vett eg at Aina, Tom og Lillian kan skrive under på 🙂 No skal me kose oss i kveld og så er det nye mil som venter i morgon 🙂

Picture album from todays ride:

GPS Data from todays ride:
