Our plan today is to reach Ustka. We know that we have quite a few kilometers through challenging woods, but we’re up to it!
Slept longer than normal
It’s a mixed feeling to wake up late. We want to get up early, so that we will reach our destination early, but in another way, we just love the fact that we’re able to sleep long.
Finally we are on the road. We are cycling to the woods and the natural park, which the route is going through.
The road is quite ok in the beginning, but quickly turns into sand, just like a white, sandy beach. It’s impossible to cycle on some parts. We try to cycle in the woods when it’s possible, but sometimes we need to head back to the road.
And we go down to the ground again
Lillian does it again, but this time with style. If this would have been a ski jump competition, she would have gotten 20 from all the judges. If you wonder what she did, she fell again. I’m just happy that she’s laughing and smiling!
We continue on the sand road. Finally we can see the ending of the sandy road. Back to Paris-Roubaix, the cobblestones is shaking our inner parts loose again, but I don’t care, it’s better than the sand.
Our food storage is getting empty and we stop at a small shop to fill up. We’re continuing and on the way we meet some germans. They’re on the way to Gdansk and tells us that the road we will cycle on now is good. They ask us about the road they will cycle on, we answer them honestly…..IT’S HORRIBLE, IT’S LIKE A SANDY BEACH!!!
You can have 1000 good drivers, but 1 bad can ruin the whole day
About 15Km later, we are cycling up a hill. A german car is passing us and hit’s the horn, which is not a problem. But two seconds later, a bus hit’s the horn and 0.5 second later he is passing us 30cm away from us. Lillian is terrified, but continues to the top of the hill.
We’re stopping at a bus stop a little bit after the top. I’m holding Lillian in my arms, she’s shaking and are really terrified after this stupid bus driver.
She’s strong and continues. I must admit that I started looking for campings and hotels. I planned to find one just after we got off this horrible road.
We have one final stop, had some energy drinks and chocolate before we continue towards Ustka. The gravel road we continue on after this is not to bad, a bit sandy, but mostly in good condition.
Worst camp site ever!!!
Finally we arrived Ustka and the camping. We put up the tent and have a shower. When Lillian is writing the blog post, a guy is coming over to us and is shouting out loud about the electricity. The woman in the reception that speaks english told us that we could connect without cost.
I get in to the argument and tells him that we were told that we could plug in to charge our equipment. He doesn’t understand a word english and walk towards our tent. I put my hand to his breast and stops him and basically tells him to go away.
5 minutes later the woman owning the camping is coming. She’s screaming out loud in a combination of polish and german. She is totally crazy. I don’t understand much and she understands less. She tries to say that we pull out other peoples electricity…something that we of course didn’t do. It was nothing connected in the connections we connected.
I follow her to the office and just want to pay the 12 zloty’s that it costs, but she insists on continuing the argument. I’m not saying a word, she’s screaming, I mean screaming out loud in a language I don’t understand a word of. She’s screaming so loud that Lillian hears us in the camping.
Finally she allows me to pay. In the 25 minutes argument, I’ve been extremely close to just hit my hand to the table and say some bad words, pack our tent and check in to a hotel. This is the worst camping I’ve ever stayed at. Not because of the place, facilities or things like this, but because of lying neighbours and horrible hosts of the camping.
Good night! I’m ready for a night without sleep and of course a day tomorrow.
To be honest, I’m so happy that Lillian is here now, she’s such a good person and I just love her! She’s the only reason I was able to put a smile on my face after this!
Tomorrow, we have a plan to go to Darlowo, which is about 45-50Km away from here.
Good night, see you next time! 🙂
Lillian’s little norwegian corner:
Jeg mÃ¥ innrømme at jeg var litt spent pÃ¥ om vi i det hele tatt skulle fÃ¥ sove i natt, for «naboene» vÃ¥re fra Sverige hadde inntatt litt for mye sterke saker. Det var allikevel en litt rar følelse Ã¥ vÃ¥kne, for det var utrolig stille pÃ¥ morgenen. Sov til halv ni uten Ã¥ merke det engang, vi som vanligvis har vÃ¥knet klokken sju.
Det var ikke lange turen vi fikk før GPS’en ledet oss mot nok en skog. Jeg mÃ¥ jo nesten le litt, for skogsetappene er faktisk de jeg setter mest pris pÃ¥, de som i utgangspunktet burde «ta livet» av meg. Det begynte veldig bra. Skogsveien funket pÃ¥ et vis, helt til polakkene nok en gang hadde bestemt seg for Ã¥ lage vei av ei sandstrand.
Og folkens; Ooooops, I did it again!! Denne gangen mer grasiøst da. Ã… sykle gjennom sand som plutselig bare forsvinner under hjulet, er ikke det enkleste. «Feil vei, feil vei, feil vei,» sier jeg høyt til meg selv, mens jeg prøver for harde livet Ã¥ falle mot høyre. Det ville ikke sanden og sykkelen, sÃ¥ jeg falt ned i sanden som ei stjerne. Hehe… Sprutet ut i latter, for Ã¥ si det sÃ¥nn. Stian bare snudde seg og smilte.
Da vi endelig kom oss ut av skogen, traff vi et eldre par fra Tyskland. De hadde syklet fra Berlin og var på vei mot Gdansk. Veldig hyggelige folk. De snakket faktisk godt engelsk, og pekte og viste på kartet, forklarte hvordan veistandarden var og hvor vi burde sykle for enklest å komme oss til Ustka.
Etter nok en pizzalunsj, ja, jeg kommer nok til Ã¥ bli lei av pizza etter denne turen, bar det ut pÃ¥ hovedveien. Egentlig veldig greit, for her kunne vi sette opp farten litt. Men da vi var midt i en ganske lang bakke, var det en buss-sjÃ¥før som bestemte seg for Ã¥ tute som, unnskyld sprÃ¥kbruken, faen og valgte Ã¥ kjørte forbi oss med 30 cm’s klaring! Jeg skvatt sÃ¥ ufattelig mye, men mÃ¥tte jo fortsette. Hadde ingen sjanse til Ã¥ fÃ¥ løs skoene fra pedalene pÃ¥ det tidspunktet. Da vi nÃ¥dde toppen av bakken mÃ¥tte jeg rett og slett stoppe. Jeg grÃ¥t i armene pÃ¥ Stian i sikkert en halv time etterpÃ¥. Veldig god følelse Ã¥ kjenne pÃ¥ hvordan han bryr seg om meg. Jeg var nemlig sikker pÃ¥ at min siste time hadde kommet. Skjelver enda, bare jeg tenker pÃ¥ det!
Veien videre var ikke god. Jeg var rett og slett livredd hver gang en bil passerte, men fram skulle jeg! Stian fortalte i ettertid at han så etter steder å overnatte fra da vi fortsatte turen. Men sta som jeg kan være, hadde det aldri vært et alternativ. Jeg fikk sykle først resten av turen, og milene forsvant fort som bare det.
Da vi endelig kom fram til campingplassen i Ustka, etter 6,9 utfordrende mil, var det bare uendelig godt. Jeg har nÃ¥ fÃ¥tt tatt meg en fantastisk dusj. Har savnet trykket i dusjen hjemme, men endelig, sier jeg bare… Dere skjønner hva jeg mener!
Picture album from today’s trip:
GPS Data from today’s trip:
Hehe for nåken folk på den campingen då, kunne nesten tenkt meg å vore der sjøl i da øyeblikket 😉
Ja dei va ubrukelige… de skjønte ikkje ka eg sa uansett 🙂
Sad to have those bad expertiences, but I am afraid, you won’t be totally without that on such a long trip. But as far as the positive experiences overweigh, it should be fine and in future times you can tell your grand-children from that 🙂