What a surprise! I’m getting visitors again. My brother Morten and his girlfriend Kathrine is joining me for some days!
I’m waking up at the pension. The weather is finally better. The thunder storm is over and the rain has stopped. I’m ready to cycle towards Heringen and to wait for my visitors.
The breakfast at this pension was really simple. It felt like the bread were two days old. I could have bought a cheaper and better breakfast at a store…If I could find one!
I’m following the river today. Suddenly I miss the bridge to cross the river. I can see this since I’m on the wrong side of the river. I cycle 300 meters back and find the bridge I was supposed to cross.
The wind is hitting my face all day. I don’t like to have a head wind, but what can you do! People are cycling in the opposite direction and are just smiling.
There is a mixture of good and bad cycle roads today. Some parts are really cosy. I cycle along the river and can see people having fun in their kayaks.
I met quite a few cyclists. Some of them were friendly and talked to me, some didn’t even nod with the head or give me a smile.
I’ve arrived in Heringen. It doesn’t take long before I find the camping. It’s only 60Km today, and the reason for this is that I want Morten and Kathrine to see Point Alpha tomorrow.
Morten called me and said that they were a bit late because of some road work, so I went down to a pizza restaurant to have something to eat. The pizza is amazing and I’m finally able to skype with my beautiful Lillian!
The phone is calling again, it’s Morten and Kathrine that calls to say that they have arrived. I pay my bill and walks out to meet them. I cycle and they follow in the car towards the camping. The reception is closed, but I’ve already mentioned that Morten will come, so they just drive inside and park on the side of my tent.
They are a combination if tired and hungry. I bring them down to the pizzeria and we order a diavola pizza each and something to drink. It’s no reason to stay here for a long time, since we are all tired and need to sleep.
Back at the camping, me and Morten have a well deserved Hansa beer in my tent and talk about everything and nothing at the same time. So nice to see them again! Kathrine was exhausted and went to bed.
I’m wondering if it’s Morten’s experience with sleeping in the same tent as me from Nordkapp to Lindesnes that is the reason that they sleep in the car and not in the tent! 😛
Morten goes to bed as well, so do I. It’s time to sleep and prepare ourself for the trip tomorrow. I will cycle close to 100Km and they will follow with their car where it’s possible. I really hope they will enjoy the time and that they like what they see at Point Alpha.
GPS Data from todays ride: