What an fantastic morning. Waking up at the camp site, knowing that you’ve slept way to long, but what does it matter? We’re on holiday, and we deserve it!
What perfect morning!
We eat an amazing breakfast with eggs, bacon, tomatoes, juice and some water melon. The sun is shining, but there is a lot of wind as we expected.
Our goal today is Kuressaare in the other island, Saaremaa. We’ve got about 60Km to the ferry and then 45Km on the other side. The road in Estonia is flat as always. It’s difficult to get a good speed, but we’re in no rush today, the ferry is leaving at 18:30 and we have more than enough time.
After about 30Km, we meet our friends from Switzerland again. We stop and have a quick chat with them. They are going to Saaremaa tomorrow.
We’re continuing on the road towards Soru, which is the place where the ferry is going from. We have a strong head wind. Tom and I, try to make it easier for Aina by cycling side by side 30 cm in front of her. This will stop the wind and she will have a much easier ride to the boat.
1.5 Hours to wait, perfect!
Finally we reached the quay, where the ferry is leaving from. We stopped at the restaurant and ordered a hamburger each. Me and Tom loves a desert and ordered some pancakes with ice cream as well.
After a while, the cyclists from Sweden and Australia arrived. They are going to the same island as us. We spoke with them for a while. Really nice and friendly peoples.
While riding onboard the ferry, we see that Tom’s wheel has a puncture. We take the wheel with us and change the tube during the transit. I do some research about the island and find a place for us to stay for the night.
When the ferry arrives Leisi and we’re back on the road, everyone feels fine, we are ready to cycle many kilometers again. We quickly pick up a good average speed and continue on the road towards Kuressaare.
New music means more smile, more jokes and more singing out loud!
With a brand new play list, finally without Miley Cyrus… (Sorry Miley, you made two days… now we’re tired of you!) we had no problem of keeping up a good mood and smile. It’s easy to keep a smile on your face with good company.
From time to time, Tom and I continued to stay as a wall in front of Aina. She had some knee problems, but I had some ibux which helped.
Finally we are here. We find the hostel and enjoy a glass of wine, before we’re going out to get some food. We spend a couple of hours out, and then returns to the hostel.
It’s amazing that you can pay 30 Euro for 3 persons.
Aina and Tom are sleeping now, and have probably been doing that for an hour already, so it’s time for me to say goodnight to you all and hope that you like the blog post. We have a good time, we’ve found our place for tomorrow and Saturday.
A new thing that I will continue to add to the blog post is the guest corner, so please read below to see what they feel about the trip so far.
Aina and Tom’s corner!
Welcome to Aina and Tom`s corner!
Our journey started on monday. We met at Gardemoen airport where we took the airplain together to Tallinn. In Tallinn Stian took us to the old city for a bite to eat. So far, so good. But the next day we had to cycle. Oh, how fun, you think? Try cyckling for 110 kilometers. Then sleep for some hours and cyckle 100 more. I think this just make us respect Stian and his journey even more. His journey is amazing. And he is doing this alone. At least we have wine in the evenings.
The third day (today) was just amazing. Everyone had a good mood and the energy level were on top during the entire day. The fact that we had bacon and egg for breakfast and that we slept until 10.30, may have something to do with the good mood. Today Tom and Stian learned Aina how to «stay on the wheel» of the person in front. And that made Aina`s day. Suddenly everything seem so easy. 100k? Yep. We`ll do it! And we did.
Tom is happy about all the funny word and signs on the road. He actually said; «Oh no, what a boring sign. I can not make any jokes about it.» But that`s rather rare. Tom always has something to say/sing about anything. And since we love to sing, it brings such a good wibe that Stian brought a music angel. We all sing as loud as we can when the songs are good enough. Some sing louder than others. But I guess that just brings more joy to the group.
Anyway. We are looking forward to tomorow. Another day on the bike!Sincerly
Aina and Tom.
Pictures from today’s trip:
GPS Data from today’s trip:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Hei Stian,
Godt å se at turen forløper fint og at du har fått godt selskap i noen dager.
Følger med deg på turen og lar meg imponere.
mvh Petter
Hei Petter,
Takk for det, ja her går det strålende. Holder gode etapper uten at det blir et ork, så det er jo kjempebra. Håper alt står bra til hjemme i Stavanger. Hvordan gikk Styrkeprøven?
Takk for kommentaren, setter pris på det!