I feel great when waking up in the tent by the sea in Melnsils. It’s time for breakfast and a long day on the road towards Pävilosta.
Perfect start of the morning
My left leg is badly sunburned after yesterday’s ride. At some points, I believe it’s even 2 degree burns. I haven’t been able to get a hold of sun block, so I make my own block. I put so huge layer of the sun lotion that I have, so you can’t see through.
I’ve had a good breakfast, packed my tent, said goodbye to my friendly German neighbours and are ready to start cycling. It’s only 2Km to the small shop. I buy my rations for the day and set of.
Beautiful Kolka
After about 10Km, I reach Kolka. As mentioned yesterday, this is the famous point where the Gulf of Riga and the Baltic sea meets. It’s beautiful sand beach, and obviously a place where people are headed as tourists.
From this point, I’m going south again. The weather report was correct and I had a weak tail wind. I can’t believe it, I’m cycling for 28-34Km/h for a long time. There’s not much to see today. That’s easy for me to see, since I’m focusing on speed and distance all time. I’m normally trying to keep my eyes off that and to enjoy the views. But when you have 170Km to go and there is nothing to see… then you need to focus on something.
I have to focus on drinking these days, the temperature is around 33C. I arrive at Ventspils and my GPS tells me that I’ve cycled about 95Km, which means that I have about 75 left. I have a long stop here and get a proper meal, coffee and drinks.
Back on the road. I pick up the good speed again. The kilometres are just flying. What a day, what a great day to do a long stage!!!
Pavilosta, here I come
Finally I reached Pavilosta and were able to find the camping. I bought some food and some wine to enjoy in the evening. I’m so tired, so I’m not able to stay awake for the Argentina-Holland game. There is some nice and friendly Dutch people here, they are trying to find a place to see the game.
It’s time for bed. I need to prepare myself for about 125Km towards Palanga tomorrow. In Palanga, I will meet Neringa’s family. Neringa is working at my mother’s cafe back home in Fitjar. I really look forward to saying hello to them and are really happy for the invitation.
Pictures from today’s trip:
GPS Data from today’s trip:
«I’m so tired, so I’m not able to stay awake for the Argentina-Holland game.» – you didn’t miss anything 🙂
So I’ve heard! 🙂 So good decision to sleep! 🙂 Good to hear from you, it’s been quiet on the comments on the blog lately!
Fy fader! Eg har abstinensa!
Hehe, sku ikkje du ha ferie seinare og då? 😉 😛